วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Combat Acne With Effective Acne Treatment And Acne Products

"Oh no, is that a pimple on my face? Icky, it's so gross! Oh I cannot face anyone ever again -- I look hideous!"

Many teenagers around the world probably share this sentiment as they discover with horror their first pimple on their freshly scrubbed face. As teenagers enter into puberty, they are faced with new and exciting discoveries and challenges. Puberty though is also fraught with frustrations and changes, including physical changes in their bodies that often leave the teenagers with less than desirable pimples on the face.

Acne commonly occurs during the adolescence period. It is often caused by excessive secretion of oil from the glands. The typical acne lesions that appear on the face and body are comedones, papules, pustules and pimples.

Aside from the physical scar that acne leaves on your skin, it also inflicts an emotional toll, negatively affecting teenagers' self-esteem and confidence. For some, acne can become so severe that they shun social contact, leading to social insecurity and sometimes even depression.

With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers' life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

It is a good idea to pay the dermatologist a visit and to have the doctor recommend the best acne treatment for you. The treatment recommended will vary on skin type and also your age.

Acne can be treated much more effectively if it is treated along with acne products, be they over the counter or prescribed. There are numerous acne products sold over the counter currently for the prevention and treatment of acne, with many of these products scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of acne.

In severe cases, it is best that you consult the dermatologist for advice and get a prescription for stronger acne products. These acne treatments and products require a higher degree of monitoring, as they tend to have more side effects.

The acne product recommended depends on the type and severity of the acne. There are acne ointments and acne creams containing benzyl peroxide to treat both mild and moderate acne. For more serious acne, there are topical antibiotics that kill the bacteria in the blocked follicles. For even more serious cases, oral antibiotics are effective. And for extremely severe cases, laser surgery can cut the root of the acne.

Aside from treating acne with products, a proper diet is also very important. Teens should avoid eating foods that are too oily, too spicy or too acidic.

So with all these acne treatment options available, you can rest assured that acne will never be an ugly and permanent fixture on your face. When acne rears its ugly head, do not let it ruin your life. With the right acne treatment and right acne products you can get rid of acne for good!

For a more in-depth look at acne, visit Best Acne Solution [http://www.best-acne-solution.info] and Best Acne Remedy [http://www.best-acne-remedy.info]. Susan's articles are available at Sports and Recreation Hub.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fading Acne Scars - The Whole Truth

Unsightly scars that appear on the face are usually the result of severe acne. Cystic acne or common acne that has ruptured are the main causes. It is a common problem that most people desire to have corrected as soon as their acne finally clears up. There is the option to have a procedure done in a doctor's office to fade acne scars, as well as things you can do yourself at home.

Some people would be pleased with the appearance of their face if only they could just find a way to fade their acne scars. These are usually attention-drawing red or purple and are hard to cover up. Since scars are permanent, it is desirable to find a way to lessen their appearance. There are over-the-counter creams that can gradually fade acne scars. Mederma is available without prescription and even offers a money-back guarantee. It doesn't claim to completely rid your face of scars, but it will visibly fade them. Mederma is expensive but one tube can go a long way. And if the scar fades then repeated usage is not necessary. If the scar is indented, the appearance of the scar is mainly caused by the shadow. The way this is treated it through basic collagen injections.

There are skin resurfacing treatments available that can reduce the visibility of acne scars. They usually require more than one visit and could become expensive. The common procedures done to fade acne scars are dermabrasion and laser treatment. The long-term safety of laser treatment is uncertain so there has been controversy and debate surrounding this procedure. Dermabrasion is safe but you will have to endure recovery afterwards.

Daily exfoliation and application of Vitamin E oil is an effective way to fade acne scars cheaply at home. Most people do not want to spend a lot of money on something cosmetic and this is a very safe way. The longer the scar has been present, the more difficult it will be to alter its appearance. It may be possible to fade acne scars at home if they are mild. Lemon juice has been a success in fading scars for many people. The citric acid that it contains help to remove dead skin cells, increase skin elasticity, and help new cell growth. It could be irritating for people with sensitive skin but it will most likely fade the scars. Aloe Vera is also known for its healing ability and could also help to fade scars. The best aloe to use is determined by how much of it is combined with inactive ingredients that can dilute the healing properties.

An exfoliating serum that you can purchase is the Bliss Sleeping Pill Serum. It uses amino acids to exfoliate you skin and lighten dark scars. Another over-the-counter way to fade acne scars is with a product called Advance Complex Fade Gel. It is used for treatment of dark spots, such as scars, and is specially formulated for people with dark skin. It also contains sunscreen to keep the dark spots from ever coming back.

Resource guide for natural acne treatment.

John Wellington is from AcneHelpZone.com which provides people who are suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Homemade Acne Cure - 4 Homemade Acne Remedies That Work!

As you might already know, acne is a skin disorder that can occur in virtually anyone at almost any stage of his or her life, regardless of gender, age or skin type. There are several homemade acne treatments that are known to be effective in helping you cure your acne or at least control it. In this article I’m going to reveal 4 simple but effective homemade acne remedies that can help you have a cleaner smoother skin. The following tips will help you keep your skin clean from oil, which is one of the main causes of this disease.

1- Wash your skin with glycerin based soaps or sorbitol based cleansers

In order to keep your skin oil free and clean from dirt it is very important to periodically wash your face water using glycerin based soap. By using glycerin based soap or sorbitol based face cleanser, you will get rid of all your skin’s oil without over-drying or irritating it. Also another reason for using these types of soaps is that they also balance the acidity of your skin, this creates a hostile environment for bacteria to grow resulting in a cleaner face.

2- Oatmeal facial mask

Oatmeal is known to be a very good in help you maintain an oil free skin by absorbing it. All you have to do is make a thick paste by mixing regular oatmeal and water and apply it to your face for 10 to 20 minutes twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to sleep. Rinse the paste off your face preferably with cool water.

3- Honey and apples facial mask

Another very effective facial mask for those with oily skin is made from honey and apples. Just make an apple paste and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of honey mix it well and gently apply it to your face, leave it to work for 15 minutes, the rinse it well with warm water.

4- The famous toothpaste remedy

Spread a little toothpaste on your zit before going to sleep at night. This is supposed to reduce zit swelling. It’s one of the most popular home remedies because it really works.

It is very important for you to know that the above homemade acne remedies are known to work well on treating and reducing the symptoms of acne, this means that they will not get rid of the root cause of it.

If you want to know how you can cure your acne naturally feel free to visit the below site and read my review of what I consider the best acne free program ever created:

Natural Acne Cure Program – Includes an integral proven acne solution even if you suffer from severe acne

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Remove Acne - Ways to Remove Acne From Your Skin

Acne is a common problem among both men and women. Not only are women conscious about their beauty but men are also equally and actively participating on such situations. There was no concept of men facial cream years ago, but now men have their own separate portions of cosmetics and beauty products to improve their face complexions thus improving their personality as a whole. But how can you remove acne from your skin?

There are many types of acne problems depending upon the skin types and the deficiencies made in the body due to lack of proteins, vitamins or nutrition. Acne treatment may vary from person to person as this problem is not the same in all human beings.

You must provide your skin with proper attention and care. It is just like looking after a new born baby which requires your attention all the time unless the baby is young enough to take care of itself!

Similarly you must provide proper attention to your skin to bring it up young enough. There are few tricks and tips on which if you follow regularly, you can avoid the acne and cause it to vanish in hours. Take a sun bath for 20-30 minutes regularly. Drink plenty of water. Avail the opportunities the nature has put in the process of respiration and photosynthesis in the morning by walking or jogging early in the morning.

Wash your face with warm water followed by cold water each time, to suppress the acne and bring the skin fresh and fair. Do not over dry your face with towel as it causes rashes on the skin.

Apply face masks at least thrice in a week. You can prepare your own mark combinations which include ginger, tomatoes, egg white, lime juice, honey randomly depending upon the availability.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of acne. There are countless acne products, treatments and remedies to try. However, in my case nothing seemed to work for me. After suffering from acne for so long and trying many different remedies and products I finally found the best way to cure my acne in the fastest time. You can find out more information about it at http://www.goldenreviews.net/acne-free-in-3-days-review/

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Diet - Foods That Fight Acne

What foods help fight acne?

The theory of an Acne Diet is one discussed regularly, especially amongst those with acne problems. When it comes to following an Acne Diet and eating foods that help to fight acne, no single food is a miracle cure. There are some foods which can be of more benefit than others and are a great help to fighting acne from the inside out.

Vitamin A - Foods such as yellow and green vegetables, yellow and orange fruits and dairy products all contain high levels of Vitamin A. Adequate vitamin A levels ensure your body's ability to regulate oil production. Having inadequate levels of vitamin A leads to excess oil can worsen acne outbreaks.

Zinc - is an absolutely amazing mineral. It helps with healing, immunity and fighting infection. Zinc also has calming properties. Because our bodies don't store zinc, we need to ensure a constant intake by eating foods such as lean meats, potatoes, seeds, nuts and some shellfish.

Others - Green Teas can be especially cleansing for our bodies, as can foods high in omega 3. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is another essential part in maintaining clear skin. This assists your body to flush out toxins that could worsen your acne problems.

As you can see with the foods that have been recommended, what is most necessary when trying to reduce acne is a balanced and healthy diet. Acne reducing diets do not have to be boring or extremely strict. Junk foods and fast foods are allowed, but should not be the main diet. Highly nutritious foods, especially those with healing and cleansing properties are best.

Do you really want to cure your acne? Visit Everything Acne [http://www.elite-info.com/acne] for everything you need to know about curing acne for good!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - How to Prevent Acne With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A little while ago, I heard that olive oil was an effective natural acne treatment. It sounded ridiculous. My acne is caused by oily skin, and you expect me to apply yet more oil to my skin? No, thank you. Not a chance. Definitely sounded like a snake oil sales pitch. And yet...

Being an inquisitive busybody, I decided to look into it. I looked on the internet. Read archived posts on forums and discussion boards. Poked around and stuck my nose where it wasn't welcome. In the end, I found mainly positive results. One group reported that they washed their faces with extra virgin olive oil, then washed off the oil with soap. After one week, their acne became worse. Unfortunately, they did not give any more details than this. Personally, their report does not really make sense. If they washed off the olive oil, then at worst, there should be no effect, right?

Most of the successful cases reported three main ways of using olive oil for acne prevention. The first way is to use a cleanser based on this oil. One small group of friends actually conducted their own experiment. They tested 3 different brands of olive oil cleanser: a cheap brand from their local departmental store, a high-end brand from an upscale boutique, and another high-end brand bought from a catalog. They found that the cheap brand caused more acne, but the two different expensive brands helped a great deal. Definitely looks like a case of you get what you pay for.

The second group of successful cases used this regimen:

  1. Wash with EVOO - apply a small amount to the skin, rubbing gently with finger-tips in circular motions. You may notice some hard grainy things. These are actually dislodged blackheads.

  2. Wash with glycerin soap bar - you can buy the orange-colored bars which Nutrogena sells, or use a generic brand
Some of them reported that after just a few days, they no longer wake up with oily faces. After just two weeks, they find fewer acne breakouts, and their skin has a healthy glow.

The third group of successes used EVOO as a kind of facial masque.

  1. Rinse face in plain warm water.

  2. Massage a small amount of extra virgin olive oil into skin until all the oil has soaked in.

  3. Dab face with a clean linen cloth until it matts the oily look.
After half-an-hour, they notice the sebum being slowly pulled out of the pores on their nose and cheeks. After just one hour, they find that their skin glows very nicely, without being oily.

It seems that normal extra virgin olive oil works very nicely. You do not need to buy the more expensive organic version. I am more comfortable with the idea of using this oil as a wash, much the same way as removing make-up. Overall, not a method you use to get rid of pimples but a potentially cheap and effective long-term method of acne prevention.

Click here to find out more about acne care treatment

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do Tanning Beds Help Clear Acne?

Tanning beds are the most common method to get tanned, especially for those who live in areas that see all four seasons on a regular basis. Tanning beds are well documented for being worse for the skin than the sun's natural rays, but do tanning beds help clear acne? If tanning beds do, then short periods in the bed would be more beneficial than harmful.

Tanning beds provide bright, warm light directly to the body. This light is not filtered as the sun's light is. This light has all of the ultra violet lights that the ozone normally filters out of the sun's rays. This ultra violet light causes skin cancers and eye damage. In addition, this ultra violet light is thought to clear acne.

Acne is caused by dirt and oil clogging the pores in the face and body. Though it would be nice to say that ultra violet light is going to open the clogged pores, this is simply not the case. The ultra violet light does kill any bacteria that might be living in these clogged pores though. This is beneficial, but the same result can be achieved by simply washing the face and body with anti-bacterial soap.

The risk of damaging the skin, eyes, mouth, and body are much too high to use tanning beds to help clear or prevent acne. It is far more beneficial and effective to simply wash the skin and body with approved soaps. If acne persists or gets worse, contacting a dermatologist could be the best and safest bet.

http://tanningbedspro.com is a website devoted to giving you the latest information regarding tanning and tanning beds. Whether you're wondering if tanning helps prevent acne [http://tanningbedspro.com/Does_Tanning_Help_Prevent_Acne.html], or you simply want to know more about the home tanning bed [http://tanningbedspro.com/Home_Tanning_Bed.html], we've got you covered!

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