วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Combat Acne With Effective Acne Treatment And Acne Products

"Oh no, is that a pimple on my face? Icky, it's so gross! Oh I cannot face anyone ever again -- I look hideous!"

Many teenagers around the world probably share this sentiment as they discover with horror their first pimple on their freshly scrubbed face. As teenagers enter into puberty, they are faced with new and exciting discoveries and challenges. Puberty though is also fraught with frustrations and changes, including physical changes in their bodies that often leave the teenagers with less than desirable pimples on the face.

Acne commonly occurs during the adolescence period. It is often caused by excessive secretion of oil from the glands. The typical acne lesions that appear on the face and body are comedones, papules, pustules and pimples.

Aside from the physical scar that acne leaves on your skin, it also inflicts an emotional toll, negatively affecting teenagers' self-esteem and confidence. For some, acne can become so severe that they shun social contact, leading to social insecurity and sometimes even depression.

With the advanced acne treatments and acne products available today, acne need no longer have such a crippling impact on the sufferers' life. Once the outward symptom of acne first becomes apparent, that is, inflammation and lesion on the skin, it is important that you treat it right away so as to slow down or stop further inflammation.

It is a good idea to pay the dermatologist a visit and to have the doctor recommend the best acne treatment for you. The treatment recommended will vary on skin type and also your age.

Acne can be treated much more effectively if it is treated along with acne products, be they over the counter or prescribed. There are numerous acne products sold over the counter currently for the prevention and treatment of acne, with many of these products scientifically proven to be effective in the treatment of acne.

In severe cases, it is best that you consult the dermatologist for advice and get a prescription for stronger acne products. These acne treatments and products require a higher degree of monitoring, as they tend to have more side effects.

The acne product recommended depends on the type and severity of the acne. There are acne ointments and acne creams containing benzyl peroxide to treat both mild and moderate acne. For more serious acne, there are topical antibiotics that kill the bacteria in the blocked follicles. For even more serious cases, oral antibiotics are effective. And for extremely severe cases, laser surgery can cut the root of the acne.

Aside from treating acne with products, a proper diet is also very important. Teens should avoid eating foods that are too oily, too spicy or too acidic.

So with all these acne treatment options available, you can rest assured that acne will never be an ugly and permanent fixture on your face. When acne rears its ugly head, do not let it ruin your life. With the right acne treatment and right acne products you can get rid of acne for good!

For a more in-depth look at acne, visit Best Acne Solution [http://www.best-acne-solution.info] and Best Acne Remedy [http://www.best-acne-remedy.info]. Susan's articles are available at Sports and Recreation Hub.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fading Acne Scars - The Whole Truth

Unsightly scars that appear on the face are usually the result of severe acne. Cystic acne or common acne that has ruptured are the main causes. It is a common problem that most people desire to have corrected as soon as their acne finally clears up. There is the option to have a procedure done in a doctor's office to fade acne scars, as well as things you can do yourself at home.

Some people would be pleased with the appearance of their face if only they could just find a way to fade their acne scars. These are usually attention-drawing red or purple and are hard to cover up. Since scars are permanent, it is desirable to find a way to lessen their appearance. There are over-the-counter creams that can gradually fade acne scars. Mederma is available without prescription and even offers a money-back guarantee. It doesn't claim to completely rid your face of scars, but it will visibly fade them. Mederma is expensive but one tube can go a long way. And if the scar fades then repeated usage is not necessary. If the scar is indented, the appearance of the scar is mainly caused by the shadow. The way this is treated it through basic collagen injections.

There are skin resurfacing treatments available that can reduce the visibility of acne scars. They usually require more than one visit and could become expensive. The common procedures done to fade acne scars are dermabrasion and laser treatment. The long-term safety of laser treatment is uncertain so there has been controversy and debate surrounding this procedure. Dermabrasion is safe but you will have to endure recovery afterwards.

Daily exfoliation and application of Vitamin E oil is an effective way to fade acne scars cheaply at home. Most people do not want to spend a lot of money on something cosmetic and this is a very safe way. The longer the scar has been present, the more difficult it will be to alter its appearance. It may be possible to fade acne scars at home if they are mild. Lemon juice has been a success in fading scars for many people. The citric acid that it contains help to remove dead skin cells, increase skin elasticity, and help new cell growth. It could be irritating for people with sensitive skin but it will most likely fade the scars. Aloe Vera is also known for its healing ability and could also help to fade scars. The best aloe to use is determined by how much of it is combined with inactive ingredients that can dilute the healing properties.

An exfoliating serum that you can purchase is the Bliss Sleeping Pill Serum. It uses amino acids to exfoliate you skin and lighten dark scars. Another over-the-counter way to fade acne scars is with a product called Advance Complex Fade Gel. It is used for treatment of dark spots, such as scars, and is specially formulated for people with dark skin. It also contains sunscreen to keep the dark spots from ever coming back.

Resource guide for natural acne treatment.

John Wellington is from AcneHelpZone.com which provides people who are suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Homemade Acne Cure - 4 Homemade Acne Remedies That Work!

As you might already know, acne is a skin disorder that can occur in virtually anyone at almost any stage of his or her life, regardless of gender, age or skin type. There are several homemade acne treatments that are known to be effective in helping you cure your acne or at least control it. In this article I’m going to reveal 4 simple but effective homemade acne remedies that can help you have a cleaner smoother skin. The following tips will help you keep your skin clean from oil, which is one of the main causes of this disease.

1- Wash your skin with glycerin based soaps or sorbitol based cleansers

In order to keep your skin oil free and clean from dirt it is very important to periodically wash your face water using glycerin based soap. By using glycerin based soap or sorbitol based face cleanser, you will get rid of all your skin’s oil without over-drying or irritating it. Also another reason for using these types of soaps is that they also balance the acidity of your skin, this creates a hostile environment for bacteria to grow resulting in a cleaner face.

2- Oatmeal facial mask

Oatmeal is known to be a very good in help you maintain an oil free skin by absorbing it. All you have to do is make a thick paste by mixing regular oatmeal and water and apply it to your face for 10 to 20 minutes twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to sleep. Rinse the paste off your face preferably with cool water.

3- Honey and apples facial mask

Another very effective facial mask for those with oily skin is made from honey and apples. Just make an apple paste and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of honey mix it well and gently apply it to your face, leave it to work for 15 minutes, the rinse it well with warm water.

4- The famous toothpaste remedy

Spread a little toothpaste on your zit before going to sleep at night. This is supposed to reduce zit swelling. It’s one of the most popular home remedies because it really works.

It is very important for you to know that the above homemade acne remedies are known to work well on treating and reducing the symptoms of acne, this means that they will not get rid of the root cause of it.

If you want to know how you can cure your acne naturally feel free to visit the below site and read my review of what I consider the best acne free program ever created:

Natural Acne Cure Program – Includes an integral proven acne solution even if you suffer from severe acne

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Remove Acne - Ways to Remove Acne From Your Skin

Acne is a common problem among both men and women. Not only are women conscious about their beauty but men are also equally and actively participating on such situations. There was no concept of men facial cream years ago, but now men have their own separate portions of cosmetics and beauty products to improve their face complexions thus improving their personality as a whole. But how can you remove acne from your skin?

There are many types of acne problems depending upon the skin types and the deficiencies made in the body due to lack of proteins, vitamins or nutrition. Acne treatment may vary from person to person as this problem is not the same in all human beings.

You must provide your skin with proper attention and care. It is just like looking after a new born baby which requires your attention all the time unless the baby is young enough to take care of itself!

Similarly you must provide proper attention to your skin to bring it up young enough. There are few tricks and tips on which if you follow regularly, you can avoid the acne and cause it to vanish in hours. Take a sun bath for 20-30 minutes regularly. Drink plenty of water. Avail the opportunities the nature has put in the process of respiration and photosynthesis in the morning by walking or jogging early in the morning.

Wash your face with warm water followed by cold water each time, to suppress the acne and bring the skin fresh and fair. Do not over dry your face with towel as it causes rashes on the skin.

Apply face masks at least thrice in a week. You can prepare your own mark combinations which include ginger, tomatoes, egg white, lime juice, honey randomly depending upon the availability.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of acne. There are countless acne products, treatments and remedies to try. However, in my case nothing seemed to work for me. After suffering from acne for so long and trying many different remedies and products I finally found the best way to cure my acne in the fastest time. You can find out more information about it at http://www.goldenreviews.net/acne-free-in-3-days-review/

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Diet - Foods That Fight Acne

What foods help fight acne?

The theory of an Acne Diet is one discussed regularly, especially amongst those with acne problems. When it comes to following an Acne Diet and eating foods that help to fight acne, no single food is a miracle cure. There are some foods which can be of more benefit than others and are a great help to fighting acne from the inside out.

Vitamin A - Foods such as yellow and green vegetables, yellow and orange fruits and dairy products all contain high levels of Vitamin A. Adequate vitamin A levels ensure your body's ability to regulate oil production. Having inadequate levels of vitamin A leads to excess oil can worsen acne outbreaks.

Zinc - is an absolutely amazing mineral. It helps with healing, immunity and fighting infection. Zinc also has calming properties. Because our bodies don't store zinc, we need to ensure a constant intake by eating foods such as lean meats, potatoes, seeds, nuts and some shellfish.

Others - Green Teas can be especially cleansing for our bodies, as can foods high in omega 3. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is another essential part in maintaining clear skin. This assists your body to flush out toxins that could worsen your acne problems.

As you can see with the foods that have been recommended, what is most necessary when trying to reduce acne is a balanced and healthy diet. Acne reducing diets do not have to be boring or extremely strict. Junk foods and fast foods are allowed, but should not be the main diet. Highly nutritious foods, especially those with healing and cleansing properties are best.

Do you really want to cure your acne? Visit Everything Acne [http://www.elite-info.com/acne] for everything you need to know about curing acne for good!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - How to Prevent Acne With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A little while ago, I heard that olive oil was an effective natural acne treatment. It sounded ridiculous. My acne is caused by oily skin, and you expect me to apply yet more oil to my skin? No, thank you. Not a chance. Definitely sounded like a snake oil sales pitch. And yet...

Being an inquisitive busybody, I decided to look into it. I looked on the internet. Read archived posts on forums and discussion boards. Poked around and stuck my nose where it wasn't welcome. In the end, I found mainly positive results. One group reported that they washed their faces with extra virgin olive oil, then washed off the oil with soap. After one week, their acne became worse. Unfortunately, they did not give any more details than this. Personally, their report does not really make sense. If they washed off the olive oil, then at worst, there should be no effect, right?

Most of the successful cases reported three main ways of using olive oil for acne prevention. The first way is to use a cleanser based on this oil. One small group of friends actually conducted their own experiment. They tested 3 different brands of olive oil cleanser: a cheap brand from their local departmental store, a high-end brand from an upscale boutique, and another high-end brand bought from a catalog. They found that the cheap brand caused more acne, but the two different expensive brands helped a great deal. Definitely looks like a case of you get what you pay for.

The second group of successful cases used this regimen:

  1. Wash with EVOO - apply a small amount to the skin, rubbing gently with finger-tips in circular motions. You may notice some hard grainy things. These are actually dislodged blackheads.

  2. Wash with glycerin soap bar - you can buy the orange-colored bars which Nutrogena sells, or use a generic brand
Some of them reported that after just a few days, they no longer wake up with oily faces. After just two weeks, they find fewer acne breakouts, and their skin has a healthy glow.

The third group of successes used EVOO as a kind of facial masque.

  1. Rinse face in plain warm water.

  2. Massage a small amount of extra virgin olive oil into skin until all the oil has soaked in.

  3. Dab face with a clean linen cloth until it matts the oily look.
After half-an-hour, they notice the sebum being slowly pulled out of the pores on their nose and cheeks. After just one hour, they find that their skin glows very nicely, without being oily.

It seems that normal extra virgin olive oil works very nicely. You do not need to buy the more expensive organic version. I am more comfortable with the idea of using this oil as a wash, much the same way as removing make-up. Overall, not a method you use to get rid of pimples but a potentially cheap and effective long-term method of acne prevention.

Click here to find out more about acne care treatment

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do Tanning Beds Help Clear Acne?

Tanning beds are the most common method to get tanned, especially for those who live in areas that see all four seasons on a regular basis. Tanning beds are well documented for being worse for the skin than the sun's natural rays, but do tanning beds help clear acne? If tanning beds do, then short periods in the bed would be more beneficial than harmful.

Tanning beds provide bright, warm light directly to the body. This light is not filtered as the sun's light is. This light has all of the ultra violet lights that the ozone normally filters out of the sun's rays. This ultra violet light causes skin cancers and eye damage. In addition, this ultra violet light is thought to clear acne.

Acne is caused by dirt and oil clogging the pores in the face and body. Though it would be nice to say that ultra violet light is going to open the clogged pores, this is simply not the case. The ultra violet light does kill any bacteria that might be living in these clogged pores though. This is beneficial, but the same result can be achieved by simply washing the face and body with anti-bacterial soap.

The risk of damaging the skin, eyes, mouth, and body are much too high to use tanning beds to help clear or prevent acne. It is far more beneficial and effective to simply wash the skin and body with approved soaps. If acne persists or gets worse, contacting a dermatologist could be the best and safest bet.

http://tanningbedspro.com is a website devoted to giving you the latest information regarding tanning and tanning beds. Whether you're wondering if tanning helps prevent acne [http://tanningbedspro.com/Does_Tanning_Help_Prevent_Acne.html], or you simply want to know more about the home tanning bed [http://tanningbedspro.com/Home_Tanning_Bed.html], we've got you covered!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Control Your Acne Breakout

As a teenager, you should find out whether your skin is the oily, dry or a combination of oily and dry type, so that you will know what method of control measure to use. Acne control measures and medications for different skin types are available online, but applying the wrong care can bring about cystic or severe acne.

Often teenage acne finds its way back to your skin later in adulthood. Why this happens has not been pinpointed, but it is obvious that adult acne results from teenage acne. The other type of adult acne is work environment induced. For example, acne or skin disorders resulting form exposure to Chlorinated industrial chemicals.

You should, therefore, make effort as a teenager to nip acne in the bud by starting basic bcontrol measures early. This will stop your acne, when it appears, from affecting too many areas on your body. Acne and its degree depend largely on the genetics of an individual teenager. Some people will have just wee acne while others will have severe acne.

The following measures if followed religiously will act as good control against wide spread acne:

  • Do not break your pimples, your fingers are not always clean and could introduce germs into your pimples to cause you cystic acne.
  • Wash your hands and face thrice a day. Washing your face does not mean scrubbing; do the washing gently with the palm of your hand.
  • Stay away from frying environment. Most people have the erroneous belief that eating fried food cause pimples and acne, but what is right is that being in a frying environment exposes your skin to airborne frying grease which when settled on your kin can clog your pores and cause acne.
  • Do not use oil based cosmetics, they can also clog your pores. Girls, especially, should avoid such cosmetics. They should also wash their faces before bed every night.

All said, the bottom line is to start the above habits early to minimize your acne, since almost every teenager will suffer some degree of acne before adulthood. And when eventually your acne appears, look for a proven medication that works. Information is available online.

Neshah writes for your sound health. He recommends New Acne Treatment for a sure cure of your acne within three days. Please email this article to your family members, friends and colleagues, they will love you for it. Acne happens in every family.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Vitamins For Acne - Do Vitamins For Acne Really Work and Which Acne Vitamins to Use

Are vitamins for acne really a true, natural way to treat your acne?

Many experts state that you start the treatment of acne from the inside out and using topical treatments such as Proactiv acne solution, Murad acne treatment, or others will only treat the symptoms and not get to the root of the problem.

Personally, I have to agree to this statement for the most part.
Perhaps I just never found my perfect vitamins for acne mix, but it wasn't
until I began treating my acne on the inside AND on the outside did I win the war!

Well, let's discuss the use of vitamins for the treatment of acne.
The fact is most people are deficient in vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients to our overall health.

It is also tough to get the proper diet (not just the acne diet) on a daily basis with our hectic lives, so using vitamin supplements is a great way to add what is lacking.

The key to all this for not only overall health, but also vitamins for acne and skincare is WHAT VITAMINS will do the job?

Note: Please consult a professional regarding dosages and proper use of vitamins.

Reviews of the top acne vitamins that may assist in the treatment & prevention of acne...

The vitamins and minerals listed here are powerful antioxidants that flush out free radicals and toxins from your body. Some even have antibacterial effects and promote immunity. This is so important in keeping your pores clean of clogging toxins and in healing the damaged skin tissue.

*Vitamin A group: This stuff works great to strengthen the skin and help prevent acne. We have found research that indicates an upwards of 10 IU as the recommended dosage. Believe it or not, the root of Accutane is a vitamin A derivative (the natural source can provide a safe alternative to Accutane - carotene form). You should also add vitamin A to assist with flushing the system to get rid of toxins. There are a number of foods you can also eat that offer substantial sources of vitamin A including, carrots, broccoli, and spinach.

*Vitamin B family: Vitamin B (there are multiple numbers - 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6) has been shown to provide a healthy skin tone, work with vitamin A to offer up healthy skin, hair, and nails. Plus, various parts of this complex helps to reduce stress, provide energy by assisting your body with the metabolism process, and help with your immune system. Instead of boring you with science, the key is to take these vitamins for acne together and be sure to find these ingredients: thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and cyanocobalamin.

*Next let's discuss vitamin C. This wonderful antioxidant does a number of excellent jobs for your body. Not only does vitamin C help with your immune system, but it is also great for tissue growth and repair (hence our skin is made up of a lot of tissue).

*I have read that zinc works wonders on acne fighting. Personally, I never used it as it has been seen to be great for scar tissue assistance and prevention. This may is one mineral you may want to add to your regimen.

*Vitamin E is yet another vitamin that has been seen to assist with skincare healing. As an antioxidant, both the topical version and internal version can help with tissue repair and skin revitalization.

There have been many different minerals and vitamins for acne treatment that have shown to work wonders for many folks.

Throughout my acne battle, I had to find a combination of vitamins, minerals, skincare products, acne treatments, and other items that finally helped me get rid of acne forever.

Everything we discuss on our s are true accounts of either my life's battle with acne or others. You can and will get rid of your acne. Stick around and learn more.

Vitamins for acne [http://getridofacneforever.com/article/vitamins-for-acne] are essential for your skin and overall healthcare.

Everything we discuss at Get Rid of Acne Forever [http://getridofacneforever.com] are true accounts of either my life's battle with acne or others acne treatment stories. You can and will get rid of your acne. Come hang out and learn how you too will win the war with acne.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get Rid Of Acne In 3 Days - The Top 5 Rules To Eliminate Acne

There are many things you can do to get of your acne once and for all. They all take a little discipline on your part. But once you change your routine a little, your acne will surely be gone for good.

Rule #1: You got to keep your hands out of your face! Your hands may contains dirt or other substances that may irritate your skin and cause your acne to flare up or stay for a few more days. Easier said than done, but definitely necessary.

Rule #2: Don't over-wash your face. Washing your face twice a day using soap and warm water is totally fine. Once in the morning, once at night. Anything more than that does more damage than good. In fact, washing your face too much will strip the surface of your skin of the precious oils that moisturize it. But guess what? The oil that is trapped in the pores stays intact, creating those pesky blackheads and whiteheads your were trying scrub away. When you are drying the skin, pat it dry instead of rubbing it. Why? Rubbing actually increases the likelihood of you irritating the skin. Not good...

Rule #3: Don't use anything rough to clean your face. You don't want to scar up your beautiful face before the world gets to see it acne free do you? Noooooo...so that means no brushes, rough sponges, cleaners with granules, etc. Stick with the soft wash cloth, and soon enough your skin will be softer.

Rule #4: Don't put any oil-based products on your skin. Be careful with hair greases, pomades, moisturizers, and oily cleansers. Ladies, try to find water-based alternatives to makeup. Also when your having fun in the sun use an oil-free sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher) to stay acne free while avoiding skin cancer and wrinkles.

Rule #5: Eliminate acid-forming foods like: dairy products, meats, cooked fats (fried foods). When your body can't digest and excrete the toxins quick enough, it will try to push it out through your skin (a cause of acne for some). Replace those foods with foods like: fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. These are alkaline-forming foods which help reduce and rid your body of acne.

Become Acne Free in 3 Days!

If you really want the perfect guide for a natural acne treatment, check out Chris Gibson's Acne Free In 3 Days. Not only does it show you what to do to clear up your acne, it provides a detoxification diet that will get you on the path to wellness. It's 72 pages, so your can read it in less than an hour and a half. The stuff it suggests for your detoxification diet can be bought for $30 or less because a lot of it your may already have in your kitchen. It has my highest recommendation.

Joey Pinkney is a freelance writer. His website, http://JoeyPinkney.com, is where he posts most of his articles. He is currently researching and writing about acne. Feel free and drop by and join his mailing list while you're there. He'd love to keep you posted on the developments is his website and the subjects he covers.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Adult Acne - Helpful Tips and Effective Treatment Options

Most often than not, having zits are experienced at some point in teen years and it may surprise you when you find out that you can still have some of these even in your adult years. Indeed, age doesn't matter when the issue is about acne. According to some research, one in every five women between the age of twenty-five and forty usually experience some acne problems. This acne is so-called an adult acne.

For the past few years and even today, many people are still unaware of the existence of adult acne while those who already have knowledge about it don't know proper ways to cure it. Thus, it has created lots of myths conveying wrong information about the reasons and the treatments of it. However, if you already gain some knowledge about adult acne, then it would be already enough to find medications. So, do not spend your time worrying about having a great skin because there are several products you could use to clear up these blemishes.

I am quite sure that you've already heard some people saying that having pimples or acnes are caused by the food you eat or your diet. May be you also have taught that. But the truth is that this myth of getting acne by what you eat is indeed a distortion of the real cause of acne. In fact, it has almost nothing to do with adult acne except for the presence of iodine in the ingredient of common foods that we usually eat. Since iodine which could mostly be found on salts intensifies and triggers zits. Hence, it would be of major importance when you minimize your intake of foods with iodine. Always remember that too much of it could really make adult acne evident and flared up.

Some people usually wash their face over and over again just to make sure that they will not have acne problems. This is another myth about adult acne. Again, I am very sure that you are guilty on this. You can clean your face always but you will still have acne is you will not undergo necessary medications. It is true; acne is bound to happen regardless of how much you wash your face. May be you are confused why. It is primarily due to the fact that acne is a problem within and in order to solve this we will need certain things or products. Benzonyl peroxide is an excellent treatment for adult acne. It works in eradicating adult acne by spreading down to the pores, killing the bacteria that cause it.

Lastly, the most familiar myth is that only teenagers suffer from acne. Hust like what I mentioned above, even at your adult age, in your twenties, thirties or forties, you can still have acne because of stress as well as hormones.

If you like to get rid of adult acne at any moment, then you should not take it as a high school problem where you can use anything you want. Start by using the right cleanser and exfoliant to help you in cleaning out the pores. Yet, if it still do not work for you, immediately meet a dermatologist for proper analysis and prescription.

CLICK HERE: Adult Acne Also on Our Popular Acne Remedies Site: Acne Treatment Reviews A Site Full Of FREE Acne Treatments & Remedies Acne Treatments That Can Work For You.

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Know Your Type Of Acne

While it is bad enough that acne is such a common problem, it is perhaps worse that there are so many different kinds of acne. You are probably familiar with some of the commoner varieties of acne, such as acne rosacea or acne vulgaris, even if you have never suffered from either of them.

But when you are really looking at effective remedies for acne, it helps to know enough about your condition to be able to target your problem specifically. So let us take a look at the different kinds of acne and see what we are actually dealing with here.

Exploring the acne spectrum. Broadly speaking, let us start with adult acne, which can be caused by a diverse range of factors, such as hormonal imbalances, pollutants, elements related to stress and responses to medications of different kinds.

These are just a few of the many causes of adult acne. Research has indicated that there may be a definite link between hormonal disturbances and the eruption of acne in women between the ages of 30 and 60 years.

Next on the list is Acne Cosmetic, which as the name suggests, is related to the kind of cosmetics you may have used which perhaps did not agree with your skin. In this kind of acne, your skin and pores have reacted adversely to various ingredients contained in your cosmetics.

Then there is Acne Congoblata, which is normally caused by hereditary factors. This kind of acne causes severe scarring on the face and back. Worse still, there is not very much that you can do about it.

Acne Detergens, as is evident from the name, is caused by the irritant effect of soaps and cleansers on the skin.

Acne Excoriee is the direct result of acne sufferers picking at the pimples on their faces and bodies. This is one of the worst things that anyone suffering from acne can do.

Then there is Acne Fulminans, a rather serious form of acne, in which the eruption is accompanied by fever and body ache. This kind of acne mainly affects males and erupts suddenly. Other symptoms of this kind of acne include a high white blood cell count, as well as loss of appetite and deep scarring.

You may have had enough by now, but unfortunately, there is more as this ghastly list goes on and on.

Acne Keloidalis is generally found among people of African stock. Most of the eruption in this kind of acne is concentrated around the neck.

Acne Mallorca is the result of too much exposure to the sun.

Acne mechanica is caused by friction between bare skin and different materials such as clothing, bag straps etc.

Acne Medicametosa occurs as a side effect of some medications. These include oral contraceptives, as well as other drugs that contain potassium iodide, potassium bromide and chlorine.

Acne Neonatorium is also commonly known as baby acne. It is caused by the transfer of hormones from mother to child, which stimulates the secretion of sebum in baby skin.

Last on the list is Acne Pomade, so called because it is brought about by the use of oils found in hair care products. What happens here is that this oil is transferred from the hair to the forehead, where it ultimately irritates the skin and clogs pores, causing acne to develop.

Generally speaking, it is a good idea to avoid touching your face in any case, and particularly if you are suffering from acne.

Now that you know the whole sordid tale, you will be in a better position to judge which kind of acne you have and take appropriate precautions. Before you recoil in horror at the different kinds of acne you are up against, remember that you only need to identify the one that concerns you.

Do not forget that you can look to your doctor or your dermatologist, perhaps both, for guidance on how to tackle your problem. It is not as bad as it looks, so do cheer up!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - The Formation and 6 Causes of Acne

You've probably seen numerous infomercials on acne - what causes it and how to treat it. Often, dermatological companies would introduce new quick acne treatment. If you are plagued with acne and you have not bothered to visit your healthcare provider for this condition, you probably have tried almost every product in the market. At the end of the day, you'll be saying, "Nothing works! I've tried everything!" Well, you probably have not even tried to determine what really causes your acne. This is crucial to determining the proper treatment.

The Start of Acne

Usually, acne occurs during puberty. This is triggered by hormonal changes that occur during this stage. The testosterone is converted into dihydrotesterone which set off excessive oil secretion. This excess oil then blocks the skin pores. The skin is then unable to shed the dead cells causing these dead skin cells to stay in the pore and eventually cause the acne. People with oily skin tend to suffer from acne. However, it is not just trapped excess oils that cause acne. Dirt and bacteria may also cause the blockage and the acne.

How Does Acne Occur?

Your acne may start and be categorized as inflamed or not inflamed. Not inflamed blemishes are known as whiteheads and blackheads. A whitehead is a pore clogged with bacteria and dirt. When this clogged pore opens up, this exposes the oil to oxidation which causes the blackish color and this is known as blackhead. When the clogged pores do not turn into blackheads, the body will then try to dispel of the dirt and bacteria. When inflammation develops, you have acne condition.

What are the Causes of Acne?

Acne is fairly common amongst teenagers. However, there are a lot of adults that share the same condition. The causes of acne, regardless of who is suffering from it, are almost all the same. These are:

1) Rapid dead skin cells shedding. When a person hits the age of puberty, his skin would start to shed a bit more rapidly. Unfortunately, the dead skin cells may buildup and block the pores.

2) Bacteria. The dead skin cells and oils make it perfect for many bacteria to populate people's skins. These bacteria are known as Propionibacterium acnes. The excessive growth of these bacteria causes acne and large lesions.

3) Heredity. Unfortunately, heredity can indeed play a factor on acne development. If any of your parents suffered from severe acne breakouts, you will probably share the same fate.

4) Hormonal changes. Rioting hormones can cause imbalances and excessive oil production. This is why acne is common among teenagers, menstruating women and pregnant women.

5) Diet. Although there are no specific findings that would really relate diet to acne, people have different reactions to various foods. Too much caffeine, carbonated beverages, fatty foods, sweets, processed foods and pasta may cause acne. It is actually up to you to take notice if you experience acne breakouts with some foods.

6) Severe stress. Daily normal stressors like spilled coffee do not actually cause acne, but people who are severely stressed emotionally may suffer from acne breakouts.

The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Acne Cream Products and Best Acne Treatment Visit site for related article: "Homemade Acne Treatment - Tips for Safe Treatment". Also, don't forget to download your 70-page Acne eBook for FREE.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne And Makeup - Proper Techniques To Hide Your Acne With Makeup

Acne is of course a very disturbing and upsetting condition, but there are ways to help you to conceal the scars and pimples that are caused by this naturally occurring skin blemish. Makeup is a favorite choice of many people to hide their acne. One of the most important things to consider when choosing makeup to cover acne is that it is appropriate for the condition. Acne can be made worse by makeup that contains oil and so it is best to choose a brand that does not contain any. If you are not sure which is the best to choose, then it is recommended to get some advice from your dermatologist or skin care specialist rather than just guessing. If you have a lot of acne scarring then there are some special camouflage make-ups available nowadays. This can be great for concealing scarring and is also made for those with problem skin.

One of the main things to remember when you are using makeup for acne is to make sure that you skin is very clean and that you use a variety of cleansers that are good for skin with acne. You should also make sure that when you take off the makeup you are very careful to make sure that you have taken all of it off. It is very important to make sure that the skin is clear of all makeup so that the pores are clear and do not get clogged up.

One of the most useful types of makeup when you have acne is concealer. This is very good for covering up blemishes and also works well on scarring. You need to take care when applying this as it is the basis of your makeup and is a vital ingredient in allowing you to camouflage the acne well. Don't use too thick a layer but just make sure that it is even so that it can work well. You also need to apply a foundation to give your skin a natural appearance to cover the fact that you have been using the concealer to cover your acne and not make it so obvious.

Acne and makeup are very well suited to each other despite what some people think, you just to have make sure that you look after the skin by keeping it clean and ensuring that you get it all off afterwards. It can make the skin seem to be a lot clearer and this can give the sufferer a lot more confidence but you need to make sure that buy a makeup that is suited to the condition. If you buy the right makeup and apply it well then it can make a real difference.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne and makeup tips that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Do Antibiotics Really Work to Get Rid of Acne?

Antibiotics are one of the most commonly prescribed medications for acne today. While it doesn't make logical sense that an antibiotic would clear your face up, it does nonetheless have it's merits as an acne treatment. But how healthy is it really, to be taking antibiotics of any sort for long periods of time, simply to fight acne?

There are many proponents of the antibiotic method of acne treatment, but at the same time this common prescription for patients with mild to moderate acne is also at the heart of controversy. Why? Well, taking antibiotics long term, for anything, not just acne, can actually cause your body to have what's called a yeast imbalance.

Before we get into the yeast imbalance disadvantages to taking antibiotics for your acne problem, let's discuss what common acne antibiotics can do for your skin. Keep in mind, they do not work on everyone's skin. Some people may take these medications for acne, and get very little results, and yet have subjected themselves to the possibility of yeast imbalances.

The idea behind antibiotic treatment for acne is that they help to reduce the bacteria count in the hair follicles and underneath the facial skin, and also help to reduce inflammation.

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for the treatment of acne are Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Clindamycin, and Erythromycin. They are prescribed in varying dosages, usually to patients with mild to moderate acne, and usually take at least 4-6 weeks to see the full effects.

This, in my opinion, is way too long to be on an antibiotic for something that can be treated easily through alternative remedies and supplements that are not harmful to your system, and have no residual or long term effects, like candida infections or antibiotic resistance.

While yeast imbalances are not well understood or even accepted yet by the medical community or conventional medicine, it is something that the alternative and unconventional medicine community is raising more and more awareness on.

A yeast imbalance can be caused, aggravated, or brought on by the long term use of antibiotics. A yeast imbalance, or an overgrowth of the "bad" bacteria called candida albicans is when a person's body is over run with the unfriendly flora which permeates the whole digestive tract, causing a wide reaching array of health problems.

These health problems can range from digestive problems like IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, mental fogginess, depression, chronic indigestion, headaches, and more. The problem with antibiotics is that they kill both the good and the bad bacteria in our intestines and digestive tract, but not the yeast.

Add this to the fact that you probably already get a hefty dose of antibiotics in the meats and cheeses that you consume, and you've got a case of unhealthy yeast overgrowth.

If you have acne, and you're considering professional treatment, either consider asking your dermatologist about non-antibiotic treatments and alternatives, perhaps something like laser therapy or another method unrelated to taking drugs. Either that, or get online and surf - there are lots of alternative methods to treating acne, without the use of antibiotics or other drugs with potentially harmful side effects.

Danna Schneider is the founder of the online magazine for acne sufferers with suggestions, reviews and alternative ideas for acne treatment called Acne Magazine: Acne News and Treatments for excellent advice and product suggestions for getting rid of acne, without the use of drugs or dermatologists.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Underground Acne Cure Secrets The Acne Companies Don't Want You To Know About

In this article you'll learn the underground acne cure secrets that the greedy acne companies don't want you to know about! For reasons to do with money you have yet to learn the truth about your acne...

I used to suffer from terrible cystic acne and tried many ways to clear my skin. I tried the usual antibiotics, accutane, many cleansers from well known companies and brands, and even tried that 3 day acne cure. None worked to clear my skin...

But when I began to read about food and acne I found out some information that helped me finally clear my skin.

For example, I discovered that vegetable oil was a massive cause of my acne, and that by simply avoiding it my skin cleared up DRAMATICALLY. So why is this?

Well, vegetable oil causes something called hormonal imbalance and this results in the worst kind of acne breakouts. This is the secret that the greedy acne companies would hate for you to know, because it stops you needing to buy their expensive acne products...

So where is vegetable oil found in your diet? Firstly I think the most common course of vegetable oil is in cooking oils like sunflower oil. Vegetable oil is also found in junk food and some sauces. You should check all the food you eat to make sure it doesn't contain vegetable oil.

Avoiding vegetable oil is easy and simple and results in much clearer skin. To find out more about clearing your acne visit my website now Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Fighting Diet - Diets That Cure Acne

After reading this article, you will be able to discover the diets that are capable of fighting your acne. Some diets are effective in curing your acne in the sense that they contain some vital vitamins and minerals that help to nourish and keep the skin looking fresh all day. Some of the acne product we see in the store or in ads are made from natural ingredients and then preserved into an artificial form. If we are able to get these ingredients in their natural form; they will play a more active role in clearing our skin rather the artificial products we purchase from stores that sometimes leave side effects on our skin. Some of the top acne fighting diets are:

Organic green tea: they are rich in anti-inflammatory chemical called catechins. They play a vital role in helping to prevent our skins from fine lines, which are otherwise known as acne scars. Organic green tea helps to fight acne free radicals. So you've known that organic green tea plays 2 vital roles in helping to clear your skin of acne.

Red carrots: they are rich in vitamin A. You must have known by now that sources of vitamins, especially vitamin A, are adequate for clearing acne. Their fiber content is essential for your body and it helps to detoxify your skin. You should make a priority to eat about 10 carrots per day. It does fight acne problems.

Walnuts, ginger, garlic, water melon and berries: all these fruits mentioned above fights your acne problems in one way and the other.

What they do:
1. By eating ginger and garlic or by eating adding them to your meals; you will help to fight swelling and redness caused by acne. They are very effective in reducing the redness of the face.

2. All kinds of berries mainly cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries have a high content of phytochemicals. These phytochemicals play the function of protecting the skin cells. The acne scars which are dead skin cells (black spots) are cured with the berries named above.

3. Other functions of the above named diets are that they help to keep the skin plump, flexible and remove the unwanted toxins in our skin.

Remember to rub water melon on your face daily, they leave your skin looking beautiful. I am not just writing this article by experience, but my research also has it that the diets I mentioned above are of scientific evidence. There are some other diets that help to fight acne but the ones I mentioned above are the most active types.

AcneFreein3Days is your complete step-by-step guide which you can follow to clear your acne in as little as 3 days. It contains natural ways which you can use to cure your acne; so you won't have to border about side effects from the use of cosmetics. As an acne expert, it gets my full recommendation. A trial will convenience you. Check it out at http://myacnefreein3daysreview.blogspot.com

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

5 Healthy Foods That Help Cure Acne

A healthy diet is needed for those suffering from both mild and moderate acne. It plays a big part in the condition of the skin and usually when a soft drink or other food high in sugar are consumed a break out is inevitable.

Here is some advice on the best healthy food for your skin:

1. Vegetables. Very good, leads to less acne and a nice complexion. Also high in antioxidants.

2. Fruit. Even though high in sugar, it has vitamins which help the skin recover from problems.

3. White Meat. Chicken has proven to be very helpful in overcoming conditions such as dry skin.

4. Tuna. High in Omega three and any other fish is in the same category. The omega three and natural fish oil help the skin build immunity against problems and infections.

5. Salad. Even though this may be in the vegetable range. A salad includes all different types of vegetables and allows the skins pores to open up and be clean.

Good Drink to help cure acne :

1. Water. By staying to a water diet, you will notice immediate improvement in your acne.

Bad Foods which aggravate acne :

1. Chocolate. Very high in sugar.

2. Soft Drink. High levels of sugar and caffeine trigger breakouts and irritation.

Even though a lot of doctors say diet is not related to acne. For most people suffering from mild or moderate acne it very much is, not so much those people with severe acne though. A water diet with a lot of vegetables will help cure any disease of the skin.

Visit A complete list of foods and drink that cure acne! This is a must see site for all acne sufferers. Visit Cheap Acne Products That Actually Work - Clearer skin within 7 days!

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - Changing Your Life Style for Better Skin

From using weird-looking stuffs to sending oneself to the operating room, ways to eliminate acne have surely created waves in either simplifying to sophisticating the process. But somewhere in between lays the often-suggested way to help someone get around possible acne outbreak- life style changes.

Advocates of healthy living agree that once a person modifies the way by which he or she runs through a day, the possibility of lessening the development of acne is highly possible. Since lifestyle focuses exactly on how we live our daily lives, this means that changes will have to be integrated into normal living. This would result to a ripple effect of changes that are healthy enough to ensure that the person

Take your emotions into a controlled level. Never forget that the skin is the window to your soul. Any turmoil you feel inside would be reflected on the conditions of your skin. Low self-esteem, high level of stress and any other unnecessary negative feelings you have inside will become visible by the inflammation of your skin. You will notice that during when your stress levels are so high, there would be a great number of pimples sprouting in your face. However, during your relaxed periods, or during when you have manageable level of stress or any emotional chaos, you will notice that the number of pimples is minimized. Whether you believe it or not, stress is really one major factor as to hwy your skin is being damaged by acne. Stress, in itself, could result to overproduction of oil in the skin or it may cause you to take your face for granted, even for a while.

Thus it is highly recommended that you take good care of your emotional states as much as you take care of your body. Always maintain a manageable level of stress and be sure to have your personal time when you can do whatever you want without having to think of work, of school or of any stressful events.

Give yourself enough sleep, enough rest and enough leeway to relax yourself.

Practice good hygiene. We all have our personal ways of being hygienic however there are standard ways to maintain one's ideal hygiene level. If you used to wash your face thrice or more a day then you must learn that to be able to prevent acne, you must exercise twice-a-day washing practice. Or, if you are using astringents that have shrinking effects on the pores of your skin then it is in your best interest to stop using them right away as this could result to even more clogged mixture of oil, dirt and dead cells in the pores. It is also good to practice washing your towels regularly so that potentially harmful acne bacteria could be prevented from thriving on your towel and would later be transferred on your face.

Have a healthy diet. You would hear this all the time, even if you are not a sufferer of acne. Issues on oily foods may not necessarily be connected with acne but practicing a good diet will likely lead to fairer complexion. You don't really have to get away from peanuts, chocolates or caffeine. You, however, have to be very careful in choosing the foods that would help improve the condition of your skin. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as these have natural vitamins and minerals that are helpful in maintaining soft, beautiful skin (even though parts of it may be inflamed due to acne).

Drink plenty of liquids. When we say liquids these have to be water and fruit juices. Enough with carbonated and noncarbonated drinks. If you want to have a beautiful skin even while suffering from acne, you would have to increase fluid intake as this could help make your skin a lot healthier. If it would not help maintain your skin sufficiently (which of course an impossibility) then at least you would help the inner components of your body to maintain themselves healthily.

Have a good outlook in life. If you have an acne-bombarded face then live its reality but don’t let this consume you. Some people are become so absorbed with their skin problems that they are inhibited from normal functioning. They lose self esteem, self confidence and the zest of social life. Don’t let this happen to you. Acne is just a normal part of life and you will just have to deal with it with enough patience with active treatment.

You see, simple life style changes may not necessarily cure acne but they could help cure you of your acne-induce troubles.

For more information on acne and skin beauty, please go to:

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Back Acne and Acne Scars - Causes and Cures

Truth be told, it would be very, very surprising if some person has never, ever have had to deal with the problem of acne. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world have to deal with acne everyday. Some people have very mild acne that can hardly be noticed, while others have a lot more severe case of acne. But what's possibly a lot more surprising is that even though such a large percentage of the population have had to endure acne from several centuries, there still is no commonly agreed cure for acne. And even what causes acne is still being hotly debated ...

So What Actually Causes Acne ?

What seems to be agreed upon is that one of the main causes of acne may be a hormonal imbalance - a surge of excess male hormones in the body seems to be at least one of the many possible causes of acne.

That said, questions like "why a hormonal imbalance cause back acne not some other form of acne ? " are not yet very easy to answer. Hormonal imbalance may cause acne alright, but the body seems to somehow decide where acne should appear and this process is not very clearly understood.

But that definitely does not mean that there is no way to cure acne for good.

Acne Cures

Many people are coming around to believing that the liver plays a very key role in the prevention and control of acne. If your liver is performing at its peak efficiency, then chances are that you do not have acne. If, however, your liver is nowhere close to its peak performance and your diet contains a lot of processed foods, dairy and junk foods then you most possibly have acne.

To get rid of acne for good, you might want to restore your liver to its original health, quit junk foods and dairy products and eat lots of fresh fruits, raw vegetables and nuts - all preferably organic.

Curing Acne Scars

Curing acne is one thing, getting rid of acne scars is another. Acne scars are not very easy to get rid of. But that does not mean there is no hope. You might want to see Getting Rid of Acne Scars for more on this.

5 Great Tips To Easily Cure Acne and Have Clear, Smooth and Beautiful Skin

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Blackheads - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Blackheads are tiny, dark spots caused by a small plug in the opening of a follicle (pore) on the skin. Blackheads are also called open comedomes. A blackhead is a type of acne vulgaris. It is caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland 's duct. Blackheads are typically caused by excessive oil and makeup, which can facilitate the multiplication of the bacterium propionibacterium acnes, the predominant anaerobe of the normal skin flora. The substance found in these bumps mostly consists of keratin and modified sebum (an oily secretion of the sebaceous gland ), which darkens
(resembling dirt) as it oxidizes. Blackheads are the slightly different sibling of zits, and like zits, squeezing them can be addictive. Composed of the same oil, or sebum, that contributes to the production of pimples, blackheads result from a building up of this oil in pores the difference in appearance is the esult of the blackhead's exposure to the air, the reaction of which with the oil causes the trademark black color of these blemishes. And while blackheads are more easily obscured by makeup, they can seem less offensive to the sufferer, and as a result, less damaging to squeeze. But squeezing is not good for blackhead. It leaves a permanent scar on skin and also infection will occur.

Blackheads and especially whiteheads are promoted by dark appearance is caused by the densely packed skin cells, which take on a dark colour excessive cellular exfoliation. The other name of Blackheads is open comedones, skin coloured are flat, darkened spots that form when pores become clogged with a mixture of sebum (or oil) and dead skin cells. Whiteheads and blackheads, both symptoms of the skin condition acne, commonly appear on the face and shoulders, but they may also develop on the trunk, arms, legs, and buttocks. They are most common in teenagers but can occur at any age, even in infants. Treatment for whiteheads and blackheads depends on the severity of the condition. Treatment may include lotions or gels placed on blemishes or sometimes entire areas of skin, such as the chest or back (topical medications). Oral medications, such as antibiotics, may be prescribed.

Causes of Blackheads

Blackheads is caused when excess skin oil, sebum and congesting toxins are expelled through your skin from the blood and lymph fluid that supplies your skin with nutrients. These congesting toxins combined with skin oil and sebum clogs your pores causing blackheads, whiteheads, and full blown acne. Dirt also plays a big role in developing skin blackheads. The dirt stored on the face or other parts of body make the bacteria to develop. The dirt with oily skin makes things even worse. Although food id thought not to be the cause of blackhead but doctor believe that there may be some role of food in it too.

Symptoms of Blackheads

Blackheads and whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that form firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin's surface and become darkened at the surface by exposure to oxygen (oxidation). They are called open comedones (or comedo, singular). Whiteheads are closed from the skin's surface by cellular debris at the follicle opening. Because they are closed from oxygen they do not oxidize or turn brown. They form a light or yellow-white lump and are called milia (or milium, singular). When bacteria is added to these plugs, the condition can lead to acne.

Treatment of of Blackheads

Mild cases of acne can be self-treated with over-the-counter topical (applied to the skin) creams typically with benzoyl peroxide. There are also a variety of different medications that your family physician might prescribe that come as creams, ointments, and pills. It is wise to start by applying the cream or ointment at night to see how you react, and then if necessary you can go to twice a day. Some of the stronger medications for acne are not to be used if you are pregnant, so make sure you tell your doctor if this is a possibility. Most acne medications work by reducing the next “crop” of acne, so don't get discouraged if the treatment does not work right away.

Home Remedy for Blackheads

1. In 3-4 cup boiled water, add 2 tsp of soda bicarbonate. Steam a towel with this. Thereafter, place the towel gently on your face. Do it for about 5-6 times. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp curd and 1 tsp rice flour. Apply the paste on the affected area. After some time, wash your face with cold water.

2. Take about 1 tsp of juice extracted from fresh coriander leaves and add ½ tsp of turmeric powder in it. Apply this mixture while going to bed. Wash your face the next morning with cold water.

3. Take a pinch of soft portion of glycerin soap and mix with a pinch of table salt. Apply this mixture on the blackheads. Do it for about a week and see the magical results.

4. Salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, etc. can be counter-productive to softening and dissolving blackheads and whiteheads as they can dehydrate dry, normal and combination skin

5. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp limejuice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply it on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on skin diseases including treatment options for your complete skin care. She also writes articles on acne cure and skin diseases.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight

Pimples, zits or acne, whatever name you give it can adversely affect your whole life and your personality. As a bad or ugly looking face or body attracts nobody, and is considered to be an enemy of human being's beauty. So, would you like to spend your whole life into this hell when the heaven (clear skin) is in front of you. You can also experience it doubtlessly, but good things are not so easy to be achieved. If you want to get rid of pimples overnight, then you will have to make some efforts for it.

So, to help you out, I have some home remedies for pimples, just give them a try:

1. Garlic: take fresh garlic cloves and after crushing them, apply on your face. Or you can also eat one or two cloves daily in the morning for long-term benefits.

2. Egg White: This is another but guaranteed effective remedy for pimples. Apply an egg white over your face like a mask covering your face completely. Then let it dry before you wash it. Now wash your face with warm water. You can apply this egg mask on every alternate days if not everyday.

3. Toothpaste: Its a plain myth that toothpaste is used just to clean your teeth, in fact a toothpaste and pimples have a deep connection. You can get rid of pimples by applying it over your affected areas and leave it overnight. Wash it off in the morning and see the results. Nobody can even make a guess that there was any pimple over your face.

4. Calamine Lotion: First clean your face or the affected area with an astringent. Then apply calamine lotion over the pimples and leave it for overnight and wash it in the morning.

5. Strawberry: Place strawberry leaves over your pimples as the alkalinity in the leaves helps to reduce the swelling of the pimples.

6. Mint: You can also apply mint juice over your pimples every night. This remedy is best for the pimples and all other skin infections.

7. Lemon with rose water: Take equal amounts of lemon extract and rose water and apply it over your face for say half an hour. Wash your face with fresh water or warm water and see the results in fifteen days.

8. Basil leaves: Take 2-3 teaspoons of dried basil leaves and add them to a cup of boiling water. Now steep for 10-20 min. let it cool. And then apply it over the affected area with a cotton ball.

9. Orange: Get the orange peel and make a paste out of it with some water in it. Then apply over your pimples for the best results.

10. Rose Water: Apply rose water alone over your affected parts for twice or thrice a day.

Facial Scrubs For Pimples

1. Salt with Olive Oil: 3 tablespoons of salt mixed with 4 tablespoons of olive oil makes a really good remedy to get rid of pimples overnight. apply the mixture with your finger tip over the affected area. the mixture will act as an exfoliating scrub whereas olive oil will prevent your sensitive skin from getting dry or any kind of damage.

2. Honey with Cinnamon: Take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with 3 tablespoons of honey and apply this mixture over your face for a while. The most convenient thing with this exfoliating scrub is that you can also let it over your face overnight, it will be much better for your skin.

Now let me make you aware of the fact, that the above discussed remedies are for you, if you want to get rid of them overnight.

But what if you get them again! For this, you have to change your lifestyle in certain ways. Because changing certain habits will help you to get rid of pimples forever.

You will never get those sleepless nights again worrying about your ugly spots.

If you want to get rid of pimples, acne or zits forever, then go for these very simple home remedies for pimples by Navneet Brar. These changes in your lifestyle will give you a new, refreshing and glowing skin.

For more information, go for his website http://www.top54u.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment - How To Treat Acne Mechanica?

Acne Mechanica is the name of the acne you may get when your skin is under pressure, is undergoing friction, is covered or is exposed to heat. Tight clothing that rubs against the skin, synthetic clothings that do not allow skin to breathe, pressure of backpacks, are some of the situations when acne mechanica may form.

Some other examples of pressure are- soldiers carrying heavy loads on the back, people carrying backpacks, athletes wearing a tight headband, women wearing bras with tight straps etc. Any such instance when the skin is tightly covered with cloth and pressurized makes it vulnerable. For example- people who wear very tight clothes made of synthetic material may get it.

Not everybody gets acne mechanica. Those who have a tendency to develop body acne may get it. Those with very small comedones may get it. When these small comedones are subjected to mechanical pressure and friction, they may flare up. Comedones are whiteheads and blackheads.

To avoid acne mechanica, wear loose fitting cotton clothing, avoid headbands, avoid constant pressure on the skin by any object and keep skin clean of perspiration. Wearing cotton clothes that breathe under your regular clothes can help. Washing yourself thoroughly after removing the irritating baggage/object can help. Keeping skin clean is a habit that can save you from acne mechanica. Take a thorough bath so that all the closed pores open again.

The treatment of acne mechanica is same as that for Acne Vulgaris. Some of the topical formulations that help treat contain- Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol and Sulphur, Alcohol and Acetone, Azelaic Acid, Topical Antibiotics, Topical Retinoids and Nicotinamide.

Acne mechanica can be prevented by most of the people. Professionals, who cannot avoid such skin pressure, must take care of the skin immediately after getting free of their professional duties. Acne mechanica can cause skin scars. Protect yourself from it.

Click here to learn more about acne, acne treatment and prevention and treatment of acne scars.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Blue Light Acne Treatment - 4 Benefits For Using Blue Light Acne Treatment

Did you know you could cure your acne vulgaris with blue light acne treatment? Though this type of acne eventually goes away, it can leave you will unsightly scarring that can lower your self-confidence.

Acne is very common, so it is obvious that there are various acne cure treatment methods on the market. If you did not know this, there is a new breed of cosmetic dermatologists, that offers an expert acne therapy, promising to remove both acne and the resultant scars.

It is known as photodynamic therapy or blue light acne treatment. An acne patient lies or sits down in front of a special light for roughly 15 to 30 minutes, every week for three to eight weeks straight, until the acne is removed. It works by focusing a blue light-wave which zaps bacteria known to cause acne.

During the acne light treatment a topical lotion - Levulan - is sometimes used. Although this lotion makes your skin go pink and then crust, it really helps fight acne and any acne scars. Photodyamic therapy is nothing new (it has been around for over 30 years). But only of late has it been introduced as a treatment for acne.

So why should you use blue light acne treatment? Blue light acne treatment may still be very new to the market, with the long-run side-effects still unknown, but it does have some positive aspects:

Number one - this type of acne treatment clinic is ideal for patients that have severe side-effects from other treatments. For example - antibiotics to cure acne are usually taken for a long period of time, which has the effect of your body resisting any other antibiotics and putting you at risk of infection. Accutane - a popular acne medication - is known to make some patients depressed and suicidal, and cause birth defects.

Number two - If you always forget to take your antibiotics or apply that acne cream, then blue light acne treatment is a great alternative.

Number three - it is also a great option for people who have had no luck with another acne cure treatment. So if your body struggles with acne lotions or medications, you have more options available.

Number four - Light acne therapy now comes in handy kits that you can use in the comfort of your home. With a choice of blue or red light, these kits are a cheaper, but less effective option to expensive clinics.

Blue light acne treatment does, however tend to out of the price range for middle-income households. If that is the case it always best to try an affordable natural acne cure treatment before relying on antibiotics and topical creams.

Are you suffering from acne? Get a FREE copy of our How To Stop Acne E-Course, and learn how to beat this embarrassing skin condition for good. For more about blue light acne treatment options, visit the site.

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedy vs Prescription Strength Acne Medication

Technology is on the boom and medicine has come along way since the turn of the century. Growing up these days, teenagers and even adults are only taught to use over-the-counter medication and prescription strength acne medication. If that does not work, the only other option is to go see your family dermatologist. Over the years people have lost sight of acne home remedies or natural cures to acne. Acne home remedies are by far more cost effective than over-the-counter acne medication or seeing your family dermatologist.

For example, a great all natural home remedy for acne is an only-fruit acne diet followed by a well-balanced acne diet. The only-fruit acne diet should only be taken for a week and should consist of the following:

To begin you should start by eating three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner which consists of fresh fruits that carry lots of juices such as apples, grapefruit, grapes, pineapples, mangos, and oranges. During this week, only water or water with a lemon slice should be drunk. After one week, you gradually should adopt to a well-balanced diet which must have fresh fruit and vegetables, sesame seeds, wholegrain cereals, and some grilled chicken. By following this, it will clear up your face, lose weight, and cost you barely anything.

Prescription strength acne medication sometimes works but there are many side effects to it. Using some of these medications may be very harsh and cause rashes on your face. Not only that, many prescription strength acne treatments will distress your kidneys and can lead to life long health problems. Please only resort to your dermatologist as a last resort if all natural cures to acne does not work for you. Money is also key here. A trip to a dermatologist may cost you a co-pay of 25 dollars at the least if you have great insurance, and unnecessary because you did not try all natural acne home remedies. You need to do some research and decide which treatment works best to you. If you're interested in some all natural home acne remedies I can suggest some more ideas and tips.

1. Orange Peels-

Orange Peels couldn't possibly cure acne could they? Oh yeah they do, and they do it well! Simply grind orange peels in water to create a paste. Apply on and around pimples. Homemade acne treatment with orange peels has been found extremely effective and is another great acne treatment that will not harm your face.

2. Toothpaste-

Toothpaste is another proven way to fight and clear your acne naturally. Before you go to bed, apply a thick layer of tooth paste to your acne. Over night this toothpaste will dry and harden to your face. When you wake up in the morning, simply wash off with warm water and you will see your acne disappear within a few days.

As you can see there are many benefits to all natural acne remedies that should never be forgotten. The only problem is finding the right one that works for you.

Ryan Tompson is an expert on treating acne and pimples naturally. He has devised an award winning guide on acne treatment and acne skin care. Visit his website http://www.naturalcurestoacne.com to subscribe to his free 3-day course on clearing up your acne and pimples quick!

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วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Acne

You might have used all kinds of medication to treat your acne without any positive outcome. This is because you were only treating the symptoms. A good idea is to take care of the cause. You can do this by eating a proper diet to help your body the acne from inside. You can use home remedies for acne that are effective in managing and treating the condition. Take your time and use them regularly for their effect to take place in your body.

Kales and spinach

Eat your green vegetables on a daily basis. They contain compounds that are effective in healing acne scars. The antioxidants in the vegetables help in cleansing your system and giving you a clear skin tone. They are easily available and act as good home remedies for acne. Eat at least two cups of lightly steamed vegetables each day.


You can juice it and take it at least two times a day. It contains vitamin A which heals acne. It also helps in regulating sebum in oily skin. This is important in healing and controlling new break outs. It helps in cleansing your body from toxins which is healthy for radiant skin. Eat it in your salads too. You can also steam your carrots too.

Garlic, leeks and onion

These vegetables cleanse your system. They help the liver function at its best which in turn cleanses your body from toxins. This also helps in hormone balance. The result is your skin looks better and improves your acne. You can chew on fresh cloves of garlic regularly. Eat your onions and leeks in salads or soup. Just don't overcook them.
Black, green, oolong tea

Drink your tea in the morning, snack times and evenings. Tea contains antioxidants which are friendly to the skin. They rejuvenate scarred tissue and help in development of youthful skin. The compounds remove brown marks and give you an even and clear skin tone. Drink it without sugar. Also make sure your tea is organic type.

Avocadoes, olive oil, nuts

These contain omega 3 oils and good levels of vitamin E. They help in healing scared tissue as a result of acne. They have compounds that help keep your skin supple. They also eliminate fine lines and you get elastic skin. Use them as home remedies for acne.

Chicken, fish, eggs, lean red meat

Your proteins help in giving you beautiful and youthful skin. They contain essential amino acids which help in development of new tissue which grows into new skin. You get youthful and elastic skin as a result. However fried fish and chicken won't do. Cook your proteins in very little oil. Avoid processed food additives. You can use natural spices and herbs if you want. These foods are effective home remedies for acne.


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วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Pill

There are lots of acne pills available in the market and it is very difficult to choose a good acne pill. Also there are various herbal pills, homeopathic medicines and other therapies available for curing acne.

It is advised to consult a physician and buy acne pills and not buy them without a physicians advise. It might be confusing whether to buy a herbal medicine or allopathic medicine for treating acne. There are so many lotions and creams available in the market and on websites that people get confused while buying.

Some dermatologists might prescribe antibiotics if the acne is severe, while some might prescribe lotions and creams to get rid of acne. It all depends on the severity of acne.

It is advised to go to a dermatologist who would prescribe medicines. There are many stages of acne and there are many types of acne and a dermatologist only would be able to recommend the medications and their dosage. He also would recommend the right type of lotions and creams to be used.

If the dermatologist prescribes an acne pill then take it according to the prescription. Some acne pills could increase the redness and become severe. If you feel any problem while taking acne pills then contact your dermatologist immediately. Do not buy acne pills without consulting your doctor.

It is advised to clean your face often by using cleansers. Washing your face at least three times a day is recommended, but if you exercise, go for jogging, work in a factory environment etc then you need to wash your face after you complete that job.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit http://acne-treatment-4-all.blogspot.com/

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